Dog Breed Highlight: Vizsla

Renowned for their striking looks and versatile nature, Vizslas are a favorite among dog enthusiasts. Whether you’re considering adding a Vizsla to your family or want to learn more about this remarkable breed, you’re in the right place. In the following sections, we’ll explore the Vizsla’s history, exercise needs, social attributes, and working characteristics.

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The Benefits of Dock Diving for Dogs

Dock Diving as a sport has grown in popularity since its introduction in 1997. This exciting water sport isn’t just a fun event for the handlers, but also has many benefits for the dogs who compete. We’ll dive into some of the best benefits of Dock Diving for dogs, such as physical fitness, mental stimulation, and bonding with their trainer.

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Dog Breed Highlight: Labrador Retriever

As one of America’s most popular dog breeds, Labrador Retrievers have taken a special place among dog owners. Known for their friendly nature and adept sporting abilities, Labs could be seen as the perfect companion, both in the home and the field. In this article, we’ll be diving into the history, exercise requirements, social attributes, and working characteristics of the Labrador Retriever.

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Holiday Recipes From Your Harvest

After wrapping up in the fields, you might find yourself in your kitchen wondering what you’re going to do with this abundance of wild fowl meat. There’s a variety of dishes to be made using the bounty you’ve collected this hunting season! We are here to bring your four of our favorite go-to recipes for duck, pheasant, and even goose!

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Your Guide to Pheasant Season

Tis the season! No, not for presents, but for hunting pheasants! It’s that time of year again…pheasant season. Pheasant hunting is a unique, challenging, and exhilarating experience for both hunters and dogs. It’s the long-standing outdoor tradition where bird dogs can show off their innate skills, and all that training finally starts to pay off. It requires you and your dogs to work in tandem and showcases the remarkable partnership that can be achieved through it all.

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Dog Breed Highlight: Boykin Spaniel

Boykin Spaniels are an American breed, originating from South Carolina, this breed was once considered South Carolina’s best kept secret! Few other breeds can claim a history that is as interesting as the Boykin Spaniel! Affectionately called “little brown swamp dog”, Boykins are known for their ability to be simultaneously, a versatile hunting companion, and a wonderful addition to families!

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How To Train A Competitive Dock Diving Dog!

Have you ever seen a Dog Dock Diving Competition before? Want to give it a shot but don’t know where to start? Then go no further, and check out our blog encompassing all of Dog Dock Diving! We show you where to get official competition information, how the sport got started, and asked a Awarded Dock Diving Duo their experience of what it was like to first get started!

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Dog Breed Highlight: Bluetick Coonhounds

Described as friendly, loyal, but also a bit of a handful, this Dog Breed Highlight is featuring the beloved Bluetick Coonhound. This breed of dog has a history of cultural significance in the United States, rumored to have a lineage traced back to the scenthounds originally gifted to George Washington. Also, it is the official mascot for the University of Tennessee football team, and is featured in classic stories such as, “Where the Red Fern Grows”.

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