2023 National Field Trial Recap

Every year, dog handlers and owners from all over the country visit Ames Plantation in Grand Junction, Tennessee to compete for their chance to win the title of National Champion in Field Trial. This year marked the 124th running of the National Championship and it was no different with some of the best handlers and dogs competing for their shot at being the National Champion.

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Dog Breed Highlight: Beagles

The Beagle (Canis Lupus) is well known for its role in hunting small game such as Rabbit, Gopher, and more. However, they also have great characteristics that make them a loving family dog. Being one of the top registered breeds in the American Kennel Club, there is no doubt that Beagles are widely popular for hunters and families alike.

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Fishing With Your Dog: Tips and Risks

If you are in the market for a new fishing friend, you might not have to look further than the four-legged one laying on your rug. Dogs are excellent companions for fishing. They are typically available for your plans, rarely leave your side, and might keep quiet long enough for you to reel in a fresh catch. Before you hit the road and find the perfect fishing hole, make sure you know how to prepare, what to expect, and what to bring.

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Pro Talks: with Elite Field Master, Kacie Davis Jordan

What can turn an interest into a pursuit and in turn, a dream career? For Kacie Davis Jordan, family fueled her passion for breeding and training champion dogs. Kacie has been working with dogs since she could walk! Her first dog, Bailey, enhanced for love for the Blue Tick breed and the rest, history. Sportsman's Pride Field Master Kacie Davis Jordan has won countless awards for her incredible work with champions all over the country.

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Ways to Encourage Positive Behavior in Your Dog

Our dogs are our best friends. They are full of enthusiasm, curiosity, and raw energy, but with all the liveliness, their behaviors can imitate those of a toddler with the chance of trouble finding them quickly. It is best to start early in developing your dog’s positive behaviors, although it is incredibly important to maintain training and socializing with your dog throughout their life. No matter how much you love your pet, discipline is necessary and knowing how to reinforce positive behavior will save you a lot of trouble down the road.

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2022 Field Trial Guide

Thousands of dog sporting events are held every year and with a new year ahead, there are plenty of events to get prepared for and excited about! For every dog and owner, there is a dog sport. These events are fun for all participants, whether you intend to compete or watch, you will be welcomed by a crowd of fellow dog-loving spectators. Here are resources to find the best sport for you and your partner.

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Try A New Sport with Your Dog

Staying active is key to maintaining your health, as well as your four-legged partners. All dogs need to exercise but most of them will thrive with activity that is both mentally and physically stimulating. There are numerous options when it comes to dog sports and recreational activities. Before you start more challenging games, make sure to consult your veterinarian. Below is a collection of high-performance sports that will help your dog thrive.

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The 9 Fundamentals of Personal Pets

Respect is an incredibly important trait to share between partners and your relationship with your dog is no different. When you partner with a canine, you accept the responsibility to feed them, provide them with shelter, and train them to respect you and others. There are many basic skills to teach your pet and some of these techniques will demand the utmost respect and assert you as the alpha. Dogs will naturally push your limits if you do not discipline them properly.

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Jobs You Didn't Know Your Dog Could Have

We all have our dream job, and we’re not alone; dogs also have dream careers! There are jobs all around that call for four-legged employees with some bark and a little bite. These dogs are employed at police stations, hospitals, airports, universities and even in politics. They perform jobs that humans are unable to do. Dogs have special skills that set them apart from humans and other animals. Here are some dog jobs that you may not be aware of.

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Pro Talks: with Elite Field Master, Lauren Harvey

The sport of hunting with dogs has been around for thousands of years and throughout time, has normally been a very male-dominated activity. Over time, more women have gotten involved in the sport of hunting and they are hoping to change the game. Sportsmans Pride’s Lauren Harvey is one of the amazing women making a name for herself in the big game world.

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