2022 Field Trial Guide

Thousands of dog sporting events are held every year and with a new year ahead, there are plenty of events to get prepared for and excited about! For every dog and owner, there is a dog sport. These events are fun for all participants, whether you intend to compete or watch, you will be welcomed by a crowd of fellow dog-loving spectators. Here are resources to find the best sport for you and your partner.

AKC Event Search

The AKC created a search page specifically for dog sporting events. This page is easy to search by type of event, breed eligibility, location, and/or date.

If you are looking to participate, click here.

If you are looking to attend, click here.

AKC Events

  • Herding Tests and Trials

  • Farm Dog Certification

  • Lure Coursing Tests and Trials

  • Coursing Ability Test

  • Fast CAT

  • Tracking Events

  • Earthdog Tests

  • Coonhound Events

  • Scent Work

  • AKC Temperament Test

  • Conformation: All-Breed and Group

  • Conformation: Specialty

  • Conformation:4-6 Month Beginner Puppy

  • Conformation: FSS Open Show

  • Conformation: B Match

  • Agility Trials

  • Obedience Trials

  • Rally Trials

  • Field Trials

  • Hunting Tests

Scent Work Events

If your dog is more interested in scent work than other sports, there is an entire page devoted to finding the right event for your partner. National Association of Canine Scent Work makes searching easy. There are dozens of events throughout the entire year; you can find the complete calendar here. Not only is searching simple, but you can also find events specific to your area, just enter the year, event level, the host, city, and state.

American Field Events

For the field masters in your life, American Field by United Kennel Club created a calendar for events all over the country: from the Amateur Shooting Dog Championships to club meet ups, the Classics and more. The AF made searching easy with date, keyword, and category sections. You can check out the full calendar of dog sporting fun here.

National Championship

The 2022 National Championship for Bird Dogs will be held on Monday, Feb 14, 2022, depending on weather conditions. The 123rd running of the National Championship will be held on the Ames Plantation. This is a two-week competition that allows around 40 dogs from all over the US to compete. Two dogs compete during the mornings and two dogs compete in the afternoons, with each run lasting around three hours and covering 16 miles of fields and forests. To be a competitor in the championship, the participating dogs must win two qualifiers throughout the year.

There are no scorecards. Field masters trust the judges to have the knowledge and experience to make the right calls and pick the most-deserving competitors. When the judges are reviewing dogs for the National Championship, they use the Amesian Standard to pick the champion.  


β€œThe dog under consideration must have and display great bird sense.  He must show perfect work on both coveys and singles.  He must be able to quickly determine between foot and body scent.  He must use his brain, eyes, and nose to the fullest advantage and hunt the likely places on the course.  He must possess speed, range, style, character, courage and stamina – and good manners, always.  He must hunt the birds and not the handler hunt the dog.  No line or path runner is acceptable.  He must be well broken, and the better his manners, the more clearly he proves his sound training.  Should he lose a little in class, as expressed in speed and range, he can make up for this, under fair judgment, in a single piece of superior bird work, or in sustained demonstration of general behavior.  He must be bold, snappy, and spirited.  His range must be to the front or to either side, but never behind.  He must be regularly and habitually pleasing governable and must know when to turn and keep his handler’s course in view, and at all times keep uppermost in his mind the finding and pointing of birds for his handler.”

The winner of the 2021 National Championship is one of our Sportsman’s Pride Field Masters, Coldwater Thunder and his handler, Steve Hurdle. This champion trusts Sportsman’s Pride to help give them the energy and stamina needed to maintain all day energy and deliver champion results.

You can find all events sponsored by Sportsman’s Pride Dog Food here.


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