Ways to Encourage Positive Behavior in Your Dog

Our dogs are our best friends. They are full of enthusiasm, curiosity, and raw energy, but with all the liveliness, their behaviors can imitate those of a toddler with the chance of trouble finding them quickly. It is best to start early in developing your dog’s positive behaviors, although it is incredibly important to maintain training and socializing with your dog throughout their life. No matter how much you love your pet, discipline is necessary and knowing how to reinforce positive behavior will save you a lot of trouble down the road. Your dog will learn that you are the leader, they are not.

Build a Bond Together

Be sure to spend quality time with your dog on a regular basis. There are plenty of ways to bond with your pet and earn their respect. Get out and get moving with your dog daily. Exercising together is a great practice for you and your dog to build endurance, strength, and maintain health. You can also make the outing a game to keep their attention and increase fun potential. Your dog will see that you care about them and will reciprocate the love and respect that you show them. If your pet is not getting the exercise they need, they might develop bad behaviors. Just like us, dogs get restless and bored when they do not move.

Proper Command Response

Your dog is more likely to listen to you and respect you if you train them properly. Following any initial basic training, it is important to keep dogs mentally and physically stimulated to help with their growth. You can use activities that challenge your dog such as obedience training, agility practice, and scent work to get them excited. Dogs are full of energy and naturally curious, anything that could challenge your dog is a chance to reward them. Just as we are happy to receive praise, dogs are no different. Give your dog pats on the head, ear rubs, and butt scratches after anything challenging. Constant praise will encourage them to repeat good behavior.

Discourage Negative Behavior

Perfection does not exist, but discouraging bad behavior is a step in the right direction. Biting, excessive barking, and jumping on humans or furniture all fall under the category of negative behaviors. Nipping and biting can be a cry for attention, but can be dangerous if not addressed early by the owner. When nipping or biting occurs, stop the behavior and replace it with a bone or chew toy. Make sure they understand that the toy is not a reward for nipping or biting, but simply a replacement for your hands or clothes. Barking is a natural behavior for dogs, but chronic and excessive barking is a no-no. First, find out why your dog is barking. Dogs often bark from boredom, separation anxiety, or seeing strangers walk by the window. Be sure to give your pet extra attention when they are calm. When your dog wants to run up and jump on people or furniture, teach them commands like “down”, “wait”,and “leave it“. Reward them when they sit and follow instructions. Start early with learning, that way they instinctively sit or lay when guests arrive.

Feed them the Right Food for Optimum Nutrition

What your dog eats can affect their behavior. At Sportsman’s Pride, we do everything in our power to craft carefully designed food to help you maintain your pet’s health, peak performance, and of course, happiness for many years to come. There are specially formulated recipes for any dog in your life from puppy formulas to professional to limited ingredient. Our products are fit for champions who like to keep things simple. You can find the perfect recipe for your pet here.


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